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Risk Scores

Dynamic scoring and customer risk ratings

Karen avatar
Written by Karen
Updated over 3 years ago

Scoring is managed from the SETTINGS (Admin) area.  Access this feature by selecting RISKS then SCORING. 


The first tab SCORES shows the parameters that are used in the composition of the score. LoanCirrus will add parameters.

Each parameter has a relative weight. Weights of all parameters combined must total 100.  

Selecting a parameter will show the configuration options.

Define the parameter and apply a numeric score. This score is the maximum value to be assigned to this parameter and is made part of the total score relative to its weighting.  Select the green ADD CONDITION button to SAVE the setting. 

Select each parameter you wish to use and configure them. If you want to avoid using a parameter simply assign a weighting of '0' and DO NOT assign a score.

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